This support article has been created to help you find generated certificates.
Certificates are generated automatically when all the modules have been completed within a course. Each certificate will contain the name, date and course completed. End users will automatically be emailed a copy of the certificate if an email address has been registered.
To access the certificate after the course has been completed:
A copy of the certificate can be downloaded from the course page if the course has been completed.
Select the 'AllCourses' page from the menu on the left.
Select the course which you would like to get a copy of the certificate.
If all modules of the course have been completed, select 'DownloadCertificate'
After a course has been completed, you will receive a copy of the certificate via email.
Look out for an email from with the subject of 'You earned a certificate'.
A copy of the certificate can be downloaded from the 'My Progress'
Group leaders:
Visit Group management via the left menu.
Select the 'UserManagement' tab.
Under the ‘EnrolledUsers’ page, expand the ‘Reports’ dropdown and select 'Progress'.
Enter the user ID, name or email address of the user you wish to get the certificate for.
Once a course has been completed, you will be able to download the certificate from any enrolled courses.
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