
This support article has been created to help gamify the learning experience. 

To bring some friendly competition to the learning experience, we have introduced gamification. Users can earn points for completing modules, courses and watching the video. The more points the users earn, the higher up the group leaderboard they climb.

Linking with Badgr

Badgr is used by thousands of organisations around the world. Badges earned on KnowledgeLab.Training can be shared across social media (including LinkedIn) with Badgr. To start sharing your Knowledge Lab badges: 

  1. Log in to KnowledgeLab.Training.
  2. On the left menu, select 'My Progress'.
  3. Under 'Badges Unlocked', enter your Badgr credentials. KnowledgeLab.Training will not see your credentials. 
  4. Press 'Sync'. 

Want to take gamification even further? 

Internally promoting users to engage with the platform will earn the users points. Organisations who then run internal competitions, often see much more engagement. To do this, you could offer an incentive to the person who is highest on the leaderboard at the end of the month. An incentive could be an early finish, a free lunch, or even an extra day off.


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